
Hey! My name is Osvaldas and I live in Klaipėda, Lithuania. Within a completely new version of my personal website I decided to start a blog. I feel indebted to our fantastic community and am here to influence it positively as much as possible. A humble introduction – below.

Short story

In 2003 I discovered Microsoft's famous, now legendary FrontPage. Back then I thought Paint was quite a good tool to draw designs and Comic Sans was definitely a king of fonts. Inspite of the fact that I will have this shame (as well as majority of you) for the rest of my life, I found web extremely interesting and never spending itself area. New phenomenon, always growing, expanding deeper and deeper into our daily routines, transforming into various forms of use. I decided to go with it. Since then I've been working more on freelance and less on personal projects.

After two interesting years of learning the craft, I was asked to create a website and got my very first paid deal. Believe it or not, it is still live and as I left it. Since then I call myself a shoemaker.

A shoemaker without shoes?

v1.osvaldas.info screenshot

After realizing that web designer without a website is basically like a shoemaker without shoes, in 2009 I finally built my personal website. And it's still available to admire at v1.osvaldas.info. Uh, at least to drop an eye on.

Lately, as my professional horizons gone wider, one-page website began to seem too tight. So, to play games you need a sandbox: the larger the better.

New responsive sandbox

Today you won't suprise your collegue nor your friend with a term responsive web design. Of course, it does not mean you don't need a responsive website. By each iPhone sold the responsiveness becomes more and more important. HTML5 and CSS3 is what the world stands on now (not Hercules's pillars anymore!).

osvaldas.info responsive

The whole site is built on Codeigniter framework (sorry, Wordpress), which I think God sent exactly for web designers. In term of frameworks, jQuery was my favourite right from the beginning, so I did not betray it this time as well. For sure, it would be much harder in JavaScript garden without the help of html5shiv, Selectivizr, css3-mediaqueries.js, IE9.js, SyntaxHighlighter, Placeholder Fallback, CKEditor, CKFinder.

Life before Apple was tough. Web before Cinema Display, Mac OS X, iOS looked ugly. Together with Dieter Rams and the promoters of Web Standards they influenced this place irreversibly.

Driven by design

Despite how young our craft is, there has been many great ideas spread out by people who made Web a better place on Earth. Personally, some of the ideas I see as a principal laws of web design instance. Being a typography enthusiast I have written these minds down, got them printed and hung on my wall. It's better to see once than hear ten times, you are very welcome to my check humble shop.

Enough for the first time

They say you better leave earlier than face a fiasco later. I'm going to keep sharing thoughts, ideas and useful material on web, design, development subjects. Feel free to leave a comment or drop me a line on Twitter.
